Sustainability Festival

We have always been aware of the importance, in our work, to give a concrete help to the promotion of information and education in the environmental sector. Precisely for this reason Porcarelli Group this summer will be a partner of FAI LA DIFFERENZA, C’È… the Sustainability Festival, a large single container of many projects that aim to spread to a more heterogeneous audience as possible, from children to adults, through educational and green activities, games, entertainment, art, storytelling, music, information and educational workshops and training, the concepts of ‘sustainable development’ in which are enclosed the dynamic balance between environmental quality, economic development and social equity, helping to create a culture of sustainability.

With the aim of involving more and more associations and citizens towards the contents of the circular economy and the promotion of the Agenda 2030 for the sustainable development of the planet, the project combines ‘doing together’ with the promotion of the culture of sustainability, aiming at creating a greater ecological awareness and an effective environmental protection.

The project is spread over several days and several locations. The period in which the event will take place in its complexity will be from July to September 2021.


Porcarelli for the environment

By culture and tradition, health and safety in the workplace have always represented for the Porcarelli Group a value to be defended. Today this alone is no longer enough. Those who work in the waste management sector, like us, have a moral commitment to carry out their work with honesty and responsibility. With these objectives, the companies of the Group have certified their production processes both in the provision of services and in the control of environmental impacts of their activities, systematically seeking to improve in a consistent, sustainable and effective way.

From today Porcarelli Group is also the name of a forest!

In collaboration with Treedom, we’ve planted 500 trees to give back to our planet, even if only in part, what we take away from it every day with our daily actions. We were born from the idea that even a small action can be fundamental for a bigger change: today we want to do it, one tree at a time, to safeguard natural systems, as a duty towards the environment and towards our customers. Treedom has given us the opportunity to choose, once again, the path of sustainability.

The aim of this collaboration is to plant more and more trees each year to absorb CO₂ from the atmosphere, and to promote the social, environmental and economic development of the communities involved through agro-forestry projects.

This year we have chosen to support Treedom’s forestry project in Guatemala, where every tree planted supports local communities and triggers virtuous processes of growth. Because every tree represents a step towards a world with equal opportunities.

Click here to find out more!